Title: O-C Data and Transit Model Statistiscs for HAT-P-56b Authors: Basturk et al. (2021) Table: ================================================================================ Byte-by-byte Description of file: datafile.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 14 F14.6 d MidTrTime Measured Mid-Transit Time in BJD-TDB 16- 23 F8.6 d MidTrTimeErr Error of the Measured Mid-Transit Time 25- 38 F14.6 d MidTrTimeOrig Observer-Provided Mid-Transit Time in BJD-TDB 40- 47 F8.6 d MidTrTimeOrigErr Error of the Observer-Provided Mid-Transit Time 49- 52 I4 --- Epoch Epoch of Observation 54- 62 F9.6 d O-C O-C 64- 72 F9.6 d LineResiduals Residuals From The Linear Fit 74- 78 A5 --- Passband Passband of Observation 80- 88 A9 --- LCType Light Curve Type 90- 97 F8.6 --- Delta Transit Depth 99-106 F8.6 --- DeltaErr Error of the Transit Depth 108-115 F8.6 d T14 Transit Duration 117-124 F8.6 d FWHM FWHM Duration 126-133 F8.6 d FWHMErr Error of the FWHM Duration 135-142 F8.6 d Tau Ingress/egress duration 144-151 F8.6 d TauErr Error of the Ingress/egress duration 153-156 F4.2 --- Beta Beta (Red Noise Parameter 158-161 F4.2 --- PNR PNR (White Noise Parameter in ppt) 163-170 F8.6 --- RMSFull RMS Error from the Model 172-179 F8.6 --- Chi2red Reduced Chi-Squared of the Transit Model 181-187 A7 --- BinaryCode Binary Code for Discard 189-189 I1 --- Discarded 1 if it is discarded 0 if it is not -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Binary Codes start with BC Note (2): Discarded (0: Used, 1: Discarded) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2457390.863963 0.000739 2457390.864540 0.001140 -513 0.005078 0.000749 I Database 0.010799 0.000536 0.067792 0.060476 0.001477 0.007316 0.002558 0.46 1.93 0.003027 0.645276 BC00000 0 2457784.370996 0.001829 2457784.370990 0.001090 -372 0.004700 0.001142 R Database 0.013120 0.000583 0.118766 0.071347 0.003658 0.047420 0.006336 0.52 1.92 0.003326 1.690615 BC00000 0 2458130.432633 0.001299 2458130.432600 0.000860 -248 0.003083 0.000203 R Database 0.010461 0.000332 0.124028 0.084397 0.002598 0.039630 0.004500 0.87 0.80 0.001411 0.325651 BC00000 0 2458158.344895 0.000895 2458158.345520 0.000810 -238 0.007018 0.004192 V Database 0.010105 0.000196 0.138619 0.092728 0.001789 0.045891 0.003099 0.69 0.80 0.001167 2.145173 BC00000 0 2458197.410800 0.001318 2458197.410620 0.001280 -224 0.001265 -0.001484 V Database 0.061834 0.000364 0.175369 0.087684 0.002635 0.087684 0.004564 1.11 1.44 0.002223 5.705667 BC00010 1 2458529.515593 0.001687 2458529.515550 0.001510 -105 -0.003033 -0.005131 R Database 0.048709 0.000672 0.124854 0.062427 0.003375 0.062427 0.005845 0.70 9.69 0.007437 2.755353 BC00011 1 2458543.467216 0.004447 2458543.467330 0.001620 -100 -0.005574 -0.007644 R Database 0.023681 0.000972 0.116646 0.058323 0.008894 0.058323 0.015405 1.16 1.21 0.003437 1.027732 BC00001 1 2458571.381471 0.001563 2458571.381670 0.001350 -90 0.000354 -0.001662 V Database 0.009286 0.000361 0.121163 0.081701 0.003125 0.039462 0.005413 1.35 1.33 0.002035 5.901621 BC00000 0 2458822.555508 0.000913 2458822.555810 0.000770 0 -0.000552 -0.002075 V Database 0.014502 0.000277 0.113179 0.056589 0.001827 0.056589 0.003164 1.24 0.92 0.001413 3.121288 BC00000 0 2458822.556056 0.000573 2458822.556310 0.000890 0 -0.000004 -0.001527 Clear Database 0.007759 0.000306 0.074380 0.068165 0.001146 0.006215 0.001986 0.10 4.97 0.004119 1.122042 BC00000 0 2458878.373118 0.000933 2458878.372460 0.000980 20 0.000404 -0.001010 V Database 0.011468 0.000266 0.120143 0.079614 0.001867 0.040529 0.003233 0.78 1.08 0.001547 2.440438 BC00000 0 2458892.331645 0.000570 2458892.331850 0.001040 25 0.004768 0.003381 Clear Database 0.004885 0.000247 0.062745 0.058396 0.001139 0.004349 0.001973 0.04 0.63 0.001360 4.421521 BC00000 0 2458892.333618 0.000499 2458892.333890 0.000590 25 0.006741 0.005354 Clear Database 0.012206 0.000159 0.122463 0.089582 0.000998 0.032881 0.001729 0.67 1.24 0.001301 0.939663 BC00001 1 2458903.491369 0.001375 2458903.491280 0.001110 29 0.001161 -0.000204 Clear Database 0.006859 0.000309 0.106083 0.083955 0.002750 0.022128 0.004762 0.94 1.16 0.001761 4.263162 BC00000 0 2458945.357448 0.000698 2458945.357130 0.000870 44 0.004749 0.003466 Clear Database 0.008975 0.000214 0.106670 0.086887 0.001396 0.019783 0.002418 0.23 1.44 0.001658 3.662836 BC00000 0 2458532.312128 0.001577 2458532.312128 0.001577 -104 0.002669 0.000576 R ThisStudy 0.012025 0.000407 0.129289 0.064645 0.003153 0.064645 0.005461 0.45 4.33 0.003951 0.797605 BC00000 0 2458797.442744 0.000556 2458797.442744 0.000556 -9 0.004178 0.002606 R ThisStudy 0.010799 0.000140 0.125039 0.077950 0.001113 0.047089 0.001928 0.47 0.46 0.000727 1.490487 BC00000 0 2459224.437394 0.000787 2459224.436672 0.000630 144 0.001425 0.000689 R Database 0.011097 0.000205 0.120561 0.060280 0.001574 0.060280 0.002727 0.94 0.94 0.001272 1.558661 BC00000 0 2459224.437399 0.000777 2459224.436762 0.000660 144 0.001430 0.000694 R Database 0.011066 0.000203 0.119615 0.059807 0.001555 0.059807 0.002693 1.06 0.46 0.000897 2.715597 BC00000 0 2459291.414244 0.001588 2459291.414159 0.001600 168 -0.001710 -0.002314 R Database 0.011226 0.000463 0.121903 0.088419 0.003177 0.033485 0.005502 1.31 1.79 0.002751 5.252740 BC00000 0